In this post, I mess around with pointers in ways that are definitely not intended. I discuss several pitfalls when creating a pointer that points to itself. I create two possible implementations of circular pointers, and also find a limitation in C at the very end.
In this post, I look at how we can integrate a discontinuous function.
I explain how we can use GSL to perform integration even when there is
a discontinuity. Afterwards, I finally calculate the Fourier series
for a discontinuous periodic function.
In this post, I begin work on calculating a Fourier series
using C. I explain why one would use a Fourier series instead of a
simpler alternative, such as Taylor series. Additionally, I cover how
we can use the GNU Scientific Library, or GSL, to perform definite
Here, I explain what bus errors are and why they can occur. I explain how we can use certain compiler flags to catch runtime errors that may not actually occur. I explain how this improves program portability. After all that, I get a minor headache trying to get org-babel to display the results properly.